Waves teaching resources
Worksheets and lesson ideas to challenge students aged 11 to 16 to think hard about waves (GCSE and Key Stage 3)
What is wave? What is the source of a wave? How is it possible for waves to travel through vacuums? This fantastic demonstration by Alom Shaha uses a homemade wave machine to illustrate some important principles.
What is a wave?
GCSE and Key Stage 3 worksheet to help students understand what a wave is. Students label a water ripple with key terms from the wave topic: wavelength, amplitude and equilibrium position to prove they really understand what these terms mean. We then compare Mexican waves to water ripples to think about what is transported by waves, matter or energy? (PDF)
Transverse and longitudinal waves
GCSE worksheet to compare and contrast longitudinal and transverse waves. Students use a Venn diagram to sort different statements about longitudinal and transverse waves. Once their Venn diagrams are complete students can use the information to write a summary of these two wave types. (PDF)