Infection and response teaching resources
Worksheets and lesson ideas to challenge students aged 11 to 16 to think hard about pathogens, disease, infection and response (GCSE and Key Stage 3)
Modelling the spread of an infection in the classroom
GCSE and Key Stage 3 activity to model the spread of an infection. This is a great activity first shown to me by Tom Kitwood. Students are given test tubes containing milk and then exchange ‘fluids’ with each other. One student is infected at the start and his test tube contains starch. After five exchanges the class is stopped and it’s time to get ‘tested’ with iodine. The results can then lead to a discussion about: (i) transmission – how? (ii) transmission – what? (iii) speed of transmission (iv) how can we stop infection? and (v) can we work out who the source of the infection was i.e. work like an epidemiologist? (PDF)
Pathogens and disease
GCSE and Key Stage 3 activity on pathogens and disease. Students carry out some research using the NHS website about one of the following diseases: cholera, hepatitis or aspergillosis. To help them focus their findings they must complete a table and answer key questions about the pathogen and the disease. Finally, students summarise their findings and create a cartoon character to represent their pathogen. (PDF)
HIV and AIDS – what is the difference?
GCSE worksheet on HIV and AIDS. Students use a graph showing HIV number and wbc count to explain the difference between HIV and AIDS. There are some questions that then require students to think more deeply about viral and bacteria diseases in general. (PDF)