The science teachers’ forum

Please post any feedback or suggestions you have on the teaching resources here. It would be great to hear from those of you who have tried using some of the resources in your lessons. Feedback – good and bad – is welcome. Go forth and challenge! Click here to sign up to our free newsletter for science teachers.

37 Comments on “The science teachers’ forum

  1. Hi all!

    I’m a student at the University of Bath studying physics and am taking unit called Science Education in Practice. As part of my assessment, I am writing an assignment about student response to motivational language in the science classroom (particularly in secondary schools). I was wondering whether some of you could do me a favour and fill out this survey; it will be massively helpful for my assignment to be able to gather opinions and methods from people with differing teaching backgrounds in order to back up my research.

    Here is the link to the survey:

    I would be incredibly appreciative!

    Thank you in advance,

  2. Pls, I need more enlightenment on my presentation topic tomorrow.Topic, Classification of improvised materials in teaching biology

  3. Hello, I know teachers are always looking for new educational resources and in the last 5 years a lot more teachers have been utilising YouTube as a resource. I’m messaging with a friendly resource recommendation. I have found an excellent new YouTube channel, called Fact or Film. It looks at the scientific accuracy of films by breaking down complex terms and theories into an engaging and easy to understand format. Here is the link:

  4. Hi,

    I’m emailing from the Sensory Ecology & Evolution team at the University of Exeter. I saw that you list educational resources and I was wondering if you would consider listing our citizen science games here too?

    They can be great additions to classrooms and to help people engage with understanding how evolution and camouflage works. The evolving egg game is a particularly interesting one for this!

  5. I’m working for a research company on behalf of The Wellcome Trust and we’re looking for Science Teachers in state Secondary schools to help us with an exciting project. We’re evaluating a unique educational programme known as ‘The Crunch’, an initiative about the links between food, our health and the environment. As part of The Crunch your school should have received a free science kit. We’d like you to help by using these resources and teaching one lesson to your pupils (which we would like to come and observe). Once you’ve taught the lesson we’d like to contact you and get a sense of how well it was received by the students, how easy it was to communicate etc.

    As a thank you for your time and efforts we will be donating £200 to your schools science department.

    Ideally we would like to arrange and finish the project before the end of this summer term.

    Your school should be located in any of the following regions

    North, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

    Please be assured that no attempt will be made to sell you anything neither during the session nor as a result of your participation.

    If this is something you’d like to help us with or if you’d like further information about the details of the research then please contact Felicity on the number below.

    Thank you!

    Felicity McInnes
    Project Manager

    Forensic Fieldwork Ltd
    The Devil’s in the Detail

    +44 20 3743 2661 ext 307
    (Main office +44 20 3743 2627)

  6. Hello everybody, I am a final year product design student at the University of Huddersfield. I am trying to gather research about practical equipment, used in both primary and secondary schools. If you would be kind enough to spare a few minutes of your time to fill out my short questionnaire, you would be providing me with some invaluable research. Thank you very much for your time!

  7. Hi. Does anyone have a copy of the old NC Levels for KS1 and 2 with sub-level descriptors? I am conducting some research on assessment. Thank you. Steve

  8. Great resources! I tried the Reactions of Acids challenge practical with my class and made a few amendments to the sheet.
    On then final column in the table of results students are required to write whether sodium carbonate, etc. are a metal oxide, metal carbonate or a metal. Students could do that without carrying out the practical so I removed that column.
    Also on the first table to be filled in before carrying out the investigation I added a column where students need to write what they should observe when each substance reacts with an acid.

  9. this is a great site although there are too many spelling mistakes which need amending,some of us don’t understand jiberish. overall a great bank of knowledge!!


  10. What a great resource, it has been bookmarked! I am a student teacher and it is overwhelming searching for resources because there are too many and I don’t know which ones are the good ones. This looks great, love the site. Thank you!

  11. Your website is wonderful. I am going to bookmark it. I enjoyed the layout and it is really easy of navigate.

  12. I visited your website and it was wonderful! They layout of your website is detailed and easy to navigate. I am a student teacher eager to find websites such as yours because of the wide variety of topics, text, videos, ect. I watched the video on “examples of misconceptions held by students (and adults)” based on trees mass. It was informational, funny, and informative. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I guess it is just a typo but thought I should point this out:

    Electrolysis, the splitting apart of a compound using electricity, is an incredible process. Students are amazed that simply passing electricity through solid NaCl you can produce the metal sodium and the toxic gas chlorine; neither of which resemble the white solid you started with.

  14. This website has lots of useful resources. I really liked all the videos and templates. Thank you for sharing. I will definitely use this website as a tool in my future teaching.

  15. I think the model for electrolysis here is great I especially like the way you have electrons right along the length of the wire. When I talk about electrolysis with students, often the students think that the same electron has to travel along the entire length of the wire to the species being reduced. I also love the way you have drawings showing the shells/electrons of the species being oxidised and reduced. Great job and keep up the good work! Thanks for sharing.

  16. The questions from the specification are so good at helping me revise for my GCSE Science exams. Can we have the mark schemes?!

    • Thanks Archie for your feedback. At the moment we don’t publish any answers for questions or resources as we want to encourage thinking, the actual answers themselves are not always that important! We may try to do this in the future though so will keep you posted.

  17. Great site Jasper.
    Here’s a suggestion for boiling water. I have small 25mL plastic syringes (pretty sturdy ones). We put in a few mL of warm water, then with fingers over the tip, the kids pull the plunger up, creating a vacuum and the water boils!! It is great to see their reactions.

  18. I am a student teacher and I am always looking for resources to help me in my future classroom. This is a great bank of resources for science teachers!
    I will definitely bookmark this page for future use!

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